am..she hung up and walked into her school, Brandi is a teacher...Baili set here on the computer watched videos from when she was little where she was telling mom and drandma how pretty we were and then started to run out the door...she stopped she ran back...she hugged and kissed me and said I will never forget that I love you Grandma! Now I watch the news...this could have been my daughter the teacher, my grandaughter the 7 year old student....Thank you God that is was not....please be with those families affected today!
"Live life to the fullest...and when you talk about doing something...just do it" Brad Jordan
"Live life to the fullest...and when you talk about doing something...just do it" Brad Jordan
Good thoughts, Christy. I wrote about Connecticut, too: In the wake of this horror, everyone from atheists to pastors have asked "Where is God???" Here's my attempt, however inadequate, to answer the question: http://bit.ly/12f6D2o