Thursday, August 14, 2014

Bri's Fashion Pose Flashes VBRD Virtue Background is a True Model Needed for USA!

Over the last five days the entire nation has been watching Ferguson, MO deal with a tragic loss of an 18 year old Mike Brown whom was shot by police.  Every day since this the events of protest have went from Peace to Looting to Protest to Military Type Control by the Police and even limitations for the media and journalist to report the events as they unfolded.  The pictures and videos look like a war driven area and main stream media was replaced by Twitter and Vine reporting. Today the Nation revolted for the First Amendment was violated and extreme use of force used to do this.  We as a Nation are divided on some issues, have common ground on some issues and are black, white, brown skinned people but we are Americans and that needs to unite us not divide.
Today Brad, Bri and myself went to help my daughter Brandi get her room ready for the new school year.  It was a day of hard work.  We all would have much rather been out enjoying the day but as a family we believe you help each other when needed.  At the end of the day I took this picture of Bri, who had worked the entire time sorting letters for Brandi's bulletin board.  Bri came all decked out in her usual fashionista  attire.  I took her picture and posted it to her public page.  I had stood her on a desk to get a nice picture and in no way paid attention to the background.  However, when I got home this is what I saw.
The sweetest cutest looking young lady sporting her own fashion with a background that was 100% the message needed for our country.  It is a program the school has chose to use.
Guiding Principles for VBRD
Virtue Based Restorative Discipline
1. We will dedicate ourselves to living virtue.
2. We will support others living virtue.
3. We will commit to Constructive thoughts, words and deeds.
4. When faced with challenges and conflict we will find solutions tha
t cultivate virtue for ourselves and for one another.

Unity is the virtue chose for the school and each person will choose to a virtue to uphold for themselves. What is yours?

Faith, Hope, Charity, Love, Joy, Peace, Forbearance, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness, or Temperance

May USA chose Virtue Based Restorative Discipline as their background just like Bri!